Exhibition: Alphonse Mucha Spirit of Art Nouveau

From 15.06.2024 to 22.09.2024

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

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04.11.2022 / 27.04.2025

Anglada Camarasa's Garden

CaixaForum, Palma

13.11.2024 / 09.03.2025

Poetry of the Ornament. The Backhausen Archives

Leopold Museum, Vienna

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Lluís Brú, 1905. Mosaic on Casa Lleó Morera's dining room walls. Barcelona


Antoni Gaudí, 1886-1888. Roof of the Palau Güell. Barcelona
Author unknown, 1906. House at Plaça Sant Vicenç 3 Detail of staircase wall. Novelda

© Carmen Payà

Sandor Mezey. Palace State Railways, 1 Kresimirova street

Zeljko Stojanovic

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