"The Natures of Art Nouveau" is a travelling exhibition 2013-2015 organised by the Réseau Art Nouveau Network in the framework of the European project "Art Nouveau & Ecology" (2010-2015) supported by the Culture 2007-2013 programme of the European Commission, the exhibition comprises two identical concurrent exhibitions.
The goal of the exhibition is to draw visitors into an original discovery of Art Nouveau and its relation with nature, showing the evolution of artistic work from the idea to final products in Art Nouveau style, thanks to a richly documented iconography.
The exhibition is divided into three sections:
- The eye of the period, which examines artistic fascination with nature, with scientific discoveries in botany, zoology, oceanography, with evolutionary theories and technical inventions of microscope, photography and cinema.
- The Nature´s Workshop, which shows artistic experimentations with natural and artificial materials and new techniques to create new forms, inspired by nature: new line, ornaments and structures, patterns and symbols.
- Artificial landscapes, which illustrate art nouveau interpretations of natural periods and elements - spring, earth, water, air, light, fire.
The exhibition gives the general public and Art Nouveau lovers the opportunity to understand the role of nature in art, especially during the Art Nouveau period. Children can enjoy the exhibition as well, thanks to an activity book.
Entrance to the exhibition is free.
Press release